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Academic Appointments
This portion of our site provides an overview of the clinical appointments process for senior administrators, faculty and staff and streamlined access to Faculty of Medicine policies, guidelines and supporting documentation.
On July 5, 2005, the University of Toronto Policy for Clinical Faculty came into effect. This Policy formalizes the status and recognition of clinical faculty members by the University of Toronto, provides a framework for the governance of clinical faculty relation with the University, enhances processes for addressing grievances of individual clinical faculty regarding University matters, and establishes a mechanism to protect the academic freedom of eligible clinical faculty members in regards to their work in clinical settings. Under the policy, appointments are determined by academic job description, which are determined by the Chair, the site Chief and the individual faculty member. The category of appointment (Full-time, Part-time or Adjunct) is determined by this job description, time commitment and participation in a “conforming Practicing Plan”. The category time commitments are Full-time, more than 80%; Part-time 20-80%; Adjunct less than 20% of time expended in academic activities.
One of the important responsibilities of the Faculty of Medicine is to appoint and promote on merit is clinical faculty members. The Procedures Manual outlines the general principles for appointment of clinical faculty members, describes the categories of appointment and provides the criteria and condition used for granting appointment and continuing appointment. The manual details the types of clinical academic appointment now recognized by the University; the interface between practice plans and the University; academic freedom issues in the clinical setting for those with a major time commitment to academic work; grievance processes for individual clinical faculty regarding University matters; and mechanisms for ensuring relations among the University, clinical leaders and clinical faculty members remain collegial and effective.
Key Definitions
Clinical Faculty:
An individual or individuals, licensed to practice medicine in Ontario and holding a Medical-Dental staff appointment on the Active Staff (or equivalent) of a fully-affiliated teaching hospital or community teaching hospital, or an affiliated community practice or, less often, working in a community clinic, industry or in private practice, and appointed as clinical faculty in a Faculty of Medicine clinical department.
Academic Activities:
Research, creative professional activity as defined in University policy, teaching (including provisions of clinical care that may involve supervision of students, residents, or other clinical trainees), academic administration or work that is deemed by the Faculty of Medicine to be directly in support of University academic work by other clinical faculty.
Full Time, Part Time, Adjunct:
The clinical academic faculty appointment group is based on the time engaged in Department of Otolaryngology – Head &Neck Surgery academic activities.
- Full Time Clinical Appointment: 80% of his/her professional working time
- Part Time Clinical Appointment: for less than 79%, but for 20% or more of his/her professional working time
- Adjunct Clinical Appointment: for less then 20% of his/her professional working
Entry level rank for Status Only faculty members.
Entry level rank for Clinical faculty members.
Assistant Professor
Initial appointment at this rank requires the candidate to have a Masters level degree, after having already completed a MD. Faculty members may be promoted to Assistant Professor after five years at Lecturer.
Associate Professor
Initial appointment at this rank requires the candidate to have academic productivity and / or local or regional distinction. Faculty members may be promoted to Associate Professor after five years at Assistant Professor.
Initial appointment at this rank requires the candidate to have national/international levels of academic distinction and/or extreme productivity.
Academic Position Descriptions Categories
Otolaryngology HNS - Teacher Position Description
Otolaryngology HNS - Investigator Position Description
Otolaryngology HNS - Administrator Position Description
Otolaryngology HNS - Educator Position Description
Otolaryngology HNS - Scientist Position Description
Otolaryngology HNS - non-MD Scientist Position Description