We prepare otolaryngology - head & neck surgical leaders, contribute to our communities, and improve health locally and globally through discovery, innovation, and the equitable application and dissemination of knowledge
International leadership in improving health through innovation, excellence and diversity in otolaryngology - head & neck surgical practice, research and education
Excellence - in achieving the highest standards of scholarship, critical thinking, clinical practice and outcomes in otolaryngology - head & neck surgery
Respect - for the diverse ideas, rights, beliefs and perspectives of all learners, faculty, staff and communities with whom we engage
Professionalism and Integrity - in our conduct, manner and practice
Equity and Inclusion - promoting the inherent dignity of every human being and the just distribution of resources, needs and access to the benefit of society
Collaboration - internally through our communities of practice and externally with our partner disciplines, professions and organizations
Accountability - by fairness and transparency in all of our activities