Calling all quality improvement and patient safety professionals: Become a CQUIPS+ member!
When the Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (CQUIPS) couldn't hold our annual symposium in person, we started brainstorming new ways to bring quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) professionals, researchers and learners together, providing important opportunities for learning and collaboration.
Today, we are excited to introduce CQUIPS+, our virtual learning platform. Membership ($50/year) provides access to:
Seats at virtual talks and Q&As with local and international QI experts
Discounts to unique QI training opportunities including QI fundamentals workshop, primers on topics like PDSA cycles and statistical process control, and masterclasses taught by local experts that provide a deeper dive into their areas of expertise
Customizable profile page that is part of a searchable directory of CQUIPS+ members to help find others working in similar areas of interest to enable collaboration
Opportunity to share and view work through virtual poster competitions